Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spiritual blessings surrounded by chaos

Things have been lets just say an adventure this past few weeks.

I am having a bunch of the friends over for dinner after a long service day. I have just enough time so everything will be ready right before they arrive. I am using the top of the stove and was about to throw the dessert into the oven when I started to smell plastic burning. I didn't realize where it was exactly coming from so I was checking in the oven when I started to see sparks fly. The wires in the back of the oven were on fire. I yelled for Brian and he was able to shut the power off to the oven.  Not what you want to happen when you have people coming over for dinner in less then 30mins. Let's just say we had no dessert. It turned out to be a lovely evening and funny thing is people were just like ohh your oven caught in fire no big deal at all. You get use to stuff always happening to you eventually I guess.

Our assemblies are held in San Jose which is about a 5 hour trip from where we live. We had two other brothers riding with us. We headed out early just in case we had car problems that others would be behind us. The trip starts out well but at one point we missed a turn so we pulled over to look at the map. Brian hops out to check the car and see oil leaking. Great!!! We realize a battery ground cable had been rubbing against our oil filter which created a tiny whole in it. We didn't have much with us and we were no where near stores so we got creative. One of the brothers had band aids with him. So two band aids later we were back on the road until we found an oil change place. An hour later we are back heading to San Jose. After driving awhile Brian keeps pumping his clutch which we all notice and then says the clutch is gone. At this point I am thinking are you kidding me what else can happen to us. We pull over realize a spring is not working but once again we are near nothing. Brian gets the car started without a clutch and makes it into third gear eventually. But now all we have is third gear. We are backing up traffic. Finally there is room to pull over but one cars keeps following us. It's our friends from our hall. We pull over at a spot but now the car wont start without the clutch. Doing it earlier ruined the starter so the guys push us down a hill and we coast into a mechanic shop. I think Jehovah was really looking out for us.  They fixed the clutch but not the starter so we push started it and finally roll into our hotel over 8 hrs from when we left. After all that, we were really looking forward to assembly. It was a beautiful program and was just what we needed. We met so many awesome need greater couples who understood exactly what it took us to be there because at some point it had been them. In San Jose we went to Starbucks, a movie, a mall, and price mart which is like a costco. It felt like home :) our trip home was smooth with no problems at all.

Memorial is something we all look forward to and you want to dress up for the occasion. As we are getting ready I see some ants in our bathroom. I kill them but see more so I go get the ant killer spray. When I walk back into the bathroom with it I see hundreds of red flying ants crawling out of our ceiling. Then we notice they spread to our bedroom too. They are crawling and flying everywhere. Ewwwwww!!! Lots of ant killer spray and realizing they like light we were able to get rid of them. Now it was a mad dash to get ready for memorial. We had about 10 interested ones come. Many it was there first meeting ever and two said they want to come more often. We had 45 in attendance. We have just 14 publisher cards now but we still have a few visitors here until the end of the month.

Jehovah had blessed us in many ways and just when we feel like we have had enough we see him take care if us.

Our new house, the porch is my favorite part