Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Sorry for not posting anything for awhile. Here are a few pictures of the last month.
Our traffic jams in service

A huge bug that looked like a leaf we saw in service

The roads are super rough in service. Here is a video from the back seat of our car. We just lowered the backseat and moved it forward so now it isn't as bumpy as it use to be.
Our neighbors decided to start a huge fire in our backyard right next to this huge pile of logs that is next to our house. People are constantly burning things here. There are always little fires alongside the roads. I am surprised it doesn't turn into more forest fires with how dry it is right now.
Brian modifying "Jimmy" and me enjoying the hammock watching him
Trimming Brian's hair until he could get a real hair cut. It actually turned out pretty good. Got us through a couple more meeting until he could find some to cut it for real.
Congregation picture with tons of visitors. Brian was outside during the picture so it looks like I am married to someone else and have a child. LOL!
A few pictures of inside our house. Our kitchen
Living room
Our bedroom
In April we are moving to a new house just down the street. It has a lot more privacy (ya no more neighbors, chickens and dogs walking right by our door and windows) and is a lot better for having people over. We are pretty excited to upgrade :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the service ride...It's fun to hear your voice Nicole...Cool bug and it's cool to see where you live. It kind of looks like places here in VN. Looks like you're having LOTS of fun!
