Monday, March 31, 2014

The Good, The Bad and The Funny


Bioluminescent Waves- This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my life. One evening we were at one of the beaches watching the sunset and having a fire when the waves started to glow and light up bright blue as they were crashing. We had seen it before at this beach but tonight was extra bright. The four of us jumped in the water and every where you would walk or splash it would be sparkles of glowing blue. You could throw water on each and your whole body would look like it was splashed with glitter. As you ran your hand through the water it would leave streak of shimmering bright blue. I couldn't get enough of it. Seriously one of the most unique things I have ever seen before.

What causes this? Marine microbes called phytoplankton cause the waves to light up bright blue.When the ocean is full of these bioluminescent phytoplankton the result is a glowing blue ocean.

So I didn't take this picture but this is what it looked like. This one was taken in Costa Rica.

Pig Roast Good-bye Party- We were very sad for 4 our congregation members to leave. The two couples have been here for 3 years and have did so much for the congregation. We are going to miss them a lot. But I put this in the good section because we had such a fun party for them. One of the brothers decided to roast a pig. We also created a fun little photo booth with props for the party. The party was at the beach so a lot of us went surfing, watched sunset, ate amazing pig, did the photo booth and ended the night with a bon fire. It was a good party :)



So Brian and I came up with a term when we have a really bad day. We just say ohh it is a Costa Rican day. And we have had our fare share where just everything goes wrong. Usually the days involve our car somehow too. Here is one story and I will share the other car related one later.

I'm a Mechanic= We modified our back seat of our car to be more comfortable for service but we when we did it we needed to get a piece of metal welded. We dropped it off in service and left it with a guy that did welding. When we came back to pick up our car it was ready. We pay the guy way more then we should have but we understand we are gringo and are going to get ripped off especially when we don't speak the language well. So we were fine with paying the extra. Right before we leave the welder tells us he is also a mechanic. We thought that was a bit odd but we told him we have a friend who is a Jehovah's Witness who is a mechanic that we use. As we start to drive home we notice that our hood had been popped. And I guess for welding they have to disconnect the battery sometimes so we are like okay. But then the car starts riding really rough so we pull over and Brian pops the hood and checks the engine. Everything looks fine but then he decides I should check the oil. As he checks it he sees that is almost empty. Interesting thing was we had been to our mechanic two days earlier and had everything checked on the car including the oil. 3 quarts later of oil we finally had the right amount in our car. Thank goodness a brother drove by and stopped and took us to the gas station to get oil. It was a very close call to our engine seizing up. It could have been so bad. And honestly it made us so aggravated that someone would drain our oil all so he could get more business from us.


Heard of Cows- It is 4 AM and I am sound asleep when I am woken up by what sounds like a herd of cows right outside our window. I wake Brian up asking what is that outside. He sits up, looks out the window and says ohh it is just a bunch of cows and then falls back asleep. So this time I look out the window and yup a huge herd of cows is running through our porch right next to our window. Then I see a cowboy herding them with a flash light. Now that I understood what the commotion was I just fell back asleep too. In the morning both Brian and I were like did that really happen last night, did a herd of cows really run right by our window.

Locust- One meeting we were all paying attention when we hear a bang and then a few girls squeal. I guess one of the huge locust hit the fan and it shot the locust against the back wall right next to where they were. Reminds me of the days in when I was in Huacas congregation. It use to happen all the tie at that hall.

Miss you all! Here is one from memorial campaign


  1. I'm a little jealous of those cool waves! I would love to see that! And it's cool to see how Jehovah just watches out for us isn't it when we are in a situation that we don't realize what's going on. Cool experience about your car though it's less than cool someone tried to scam you. I understand that, it happens to me a lot too. But it's teaching me to deal with people patiently even under a bad experience. Though I feel at times like getting back, I calm myself down and think...perhaps someday they will be my brother or sister...My response is not the best. Keep up the good work though:) thanks for sharing!

  2. Love you and I really appreciate your information. We got home March 23.
